Posted by on Dec 1, 2011 in Ceremony Arts, Featured Slider, Pre-Nuptial & Post Wedding Sessions, Weddings | 0 comments

Pre-Nuptial & Post Wedding Sessions

The time spent meeting with your Officiant before your wedding is a valuable start to co-creating a ceremony just right for you and feeling comfortable and supported during your vows. It is preferable, though not essential, for me to serve you well.  When time, schedules, or  distance prevent an in-person meeting, we can accomplish the necessities in conversation.

Complimentary Interview…The interview really begins with a telephone conversation where we can have an easy, efficient exchange of information rather than a volley of e-notes. So, after you’ve looked over my site, contact me. The initial call may be sufficient and/or a conference call with both partners can be arranged. Voice to voice, you each have a chance to ask your own questions and hear directly from me. Any question is a good one; I know this is unknown territory for you and its fine if you don’t have a clue as to how this works. I do, and have information for you and suggestions if you want them. Important to ask is about my availability for your date, time and location; what I offer is on this site and can be explained further. Most couples are also interested in my fee. I’m not a “one size fits all” person, so when I know more about you and your wedding plans and needs, I can quote one. By the end of our conversation, we can let each other know if we sound like a good match. If so, we can schedule an appointment for a Pre-Nuptial session.

Pre-Nuptial Session Overview…During this session, couples learn more about themselves, their partner about Intentional Loving. They are grateful for our time together. There is no fee obligation for this session since almost all couples who have it decide they want me to officiate their ceremony. My time and expertise is valuable, and so, if you decide you do not want to hire me, a donation is appreciated. If you do hire me, a deposit of half the fee is expected (unless another arrangement is made).

The purpose of this time is to give you a chance to meet me face to face, and for us to get to know one another. I’m easy to talk to; even for someone who is quite shy. The length of our session depends on the package you will choose, and also how talkative you are!

In our relaxed, congenial session we establish our relationship and you will realize you’re with a supportive, creative and experienced relationship and ceremony counselor and Officiant. I’ll get to know you as individuals and as a couple, and you will get to know me. We will discuss your wedding, your relationship and the vision you have for your marriage. I’ll offer some helpful information about love and relationship. We’ll talk seriously and humorously, establishing a relationship that can continue as long as you want. The last part of the session will be devoted to your ceremony. Based on what I’ve learned about you, including any ideas you may have, I’ll show you resources from which you can create a ceremony that reflects your relationship and vision. If you are really curious about the ceremony reference, you can preview earlier in the session.

Assuming that we contract at this time, you’ll select the ceremony creation option you want. You will either compose your ceremony here or I will put your selections together with other reference and e-mail it to you. Please read the section on Ceremony Options for more details.

Location…My office, conveniently located in Briarcliff Manor, Westchester County New York, is easily accessible by car or train. A face-to-face meeting in my office with all reference material at hand, is ideal; however if necessary, another meeting place or a telephone conference can be arranged.


Pre-Nuptial Session Options

I invest in you and your relationship to help you nurture and enrich your commitment of heart and soul by offering support along the way to your wedding day and beyond. You can choose the amount of time we spend together with these options…

 “The Basic” Pre-Nuptial Session…This session of about 2 hours generally allows for an exchange of basic “getting to know you” information, enough to start the ceremony creation process. This is usually chosen by couples who don’t think relationship enhancement is necessary at this point, and would rather focus on the ceremony. I will, however, include an overview of The Principals and Skills of Intentional Loving as a foundation for a thriving relationship. This unique and valued guide is always well received.

“I Love my Relationship!” Pre-Nuptial Session…For the couple who wants to gift themselves with deeper together time, this longer session focuses on relationship and partnered life. This couple realizes there is more to learn and want to enhance their relationship, and/or have an issue to work on and want a fresh perspective from a qualified professional. In this session, in addition to the basic ‘get to know you’ questions, there are other interesting exploratory questions, resource materials, and an depth explanation of The Principals and Skills of Intentional Loving. We end with an experiential exercise using these skills, after which couples feel closer, more connected heart and soul. Then, in this loving space, you will begin the ceremony creation process. The session is about 3½ hours; it’s light and moves more quickly than it may sound…
As a Bonus Incentive – this package comes with an optional, complimentary session anytime before or after the wedding.

Post Wedding Sessions

I’m available for Relationship Enrichment counsel before and after your wedding. Believing that bumps in the road can be a catalyst for growth, and even become a reason for celebration, I offer gently effective, supportive coaching/counseling before and anytime after your wedding. The session offers opportunity to share your experience, practice deep listening and connective response with your partner.

We are all capable of growing in our powers and skills of giving and receiving love.
And, as you know, even the most loving relationships have rough spots; how you respond in words and actions, at every moment, is your choice. You might ask…
Is my response it automatic or mindful?
Is it working for me, my beloved and our relationship?
Is there something I can do differently that will get us to win-win/a better space?

To learn more, please go to Life Enrichment Services>Relationship Counsel and Enrichment