“The reality of life is that your perceptions — right or wrong — influence everything else you do. When you get a proper perspective of your perceptions, you may be surprised how many other things fall into place.”~ Roger Birkman
One thing that people all over the world have in common is the desire to be happy; we all want to enrich our lives in some way. This inner desire we share is a motivating life force, sometimes buried, yet able to be recharged and resurrected. Enrichment therapy sessions can offer new perspectives that open your receptivity to the idea that we often have choices than we think. For example, we can replace the thought of “That’s impossible!” with “it’s possible!” which opens us to hope. Woody Guthrie said “We are all hoping machines.” I agree. Please be clear this is not about “magical thinking”; it is about reframing and replacing thoughts and actions that no longer serve us, with those that do. We still have to keep taking the steps leading to our goals and desires, yet we may now be able to make better choices that avoid blocks to success.
In practice for many years supporting individuals and relationships along life’s journey, I’m experienced in addressing most concerns and situations regarding the mind, body, emotions, and spirit. I’ve helped many people, mostly young to older adults, to significantly improve the quality of their lives by gaining clarity, breaking through blocks, and achieving a sense of well-being. I see a diverse population of clients seeking support with issues including mental, physical, or spiritual health challenges from life-threatening illness to employment change, from the trauma of divorce to the joy of uniting, to managing a stressful life, feeling stuck, and getting creative juices flowing.
My practice covers mental/emotional/behavioral issues such as – anxiety, bereavement, mood fluctuations, depression, anxiety, stress, PTSD, low self-esteem, relationship concerns, abuse, transition adjustment, identity/gender concerns, addictive patterns. Also challenges of physical illness or injury, and food related issues; spiritual and philosophical questions relating to the “Who am I; where am I going?’ stages of life.
Your therapeutic process can be short or long term; sessions can include life and wellness coaching as well as in-depth process to meet your goals. My work with individuals and couples is progressive and powerful; my approach is active and process-oriented; personalized and creative, eclectic, heart-centered, intuitive, occasionally humorous, and collaborative. I provide a non-judgmental, comfortable setting where you are seen as an individual and heard as a unique being on your own journey, with strengths, gifts and vulnerabilities; capable of learning, healing and growth. I’ll support you with empathy, insight and new possibilities as you gain insights about your own thoughts and behaviors – both those that work for you and those that are counterproductive. Using this as a roadmap, we can clear obstacles and utilize strengths along the path to your destination. I’ll help you clarify your issues so you can manage them more effectively or resolve them. Together, we’ll build a healthy foundation open to possibilities with good will, self-care, awareness, compassion and acceptance. From these supportive roots, you can expect increased esteem, confidence, communication and connection skills, as well as peace and harmony with yourself and others.
I offer complementary medicine modalities including energy balancing, cranio-sacral, breathwork, hypnotherapy, imagery, stress release etc.; techniques that can progress you more effectively than with dialog alone. In session, we’ll look at what works, as well as what does not help you achieve the life you want. Effective counseling is a two way street. It takes a cooperative effort by both the person receiving counseling and the counselor. It is most effective when taking new insights and applying them in your life. To this end, I often give “lifework” to support you between sessions. In “real” life relationships and situations, you have an opportunity to expand your selection of responses and ground what you’ve learned. Whatever the result, you can choose to feel empowered by your efforts.
Verbal Therapy/Dialog Sessions for psychotherapy and psycho-spiritual therapy are where we begin. I’ll listen to your background history, your goals for therapy and your personal story. We’ll discuss options for a plan to meet your goals. We can continue in this modality as long as you want.
Body Centered Sessions are where you can expect goals and healing to progress faster than talk therapy alone. This is because when we talk (“stay in our heads”), it’s easy to be disconnected from our bodies where our “truth” and emotions reside and where intuition is accessed. When we talk we can easily rationalize, manipulate, judge, etc and respond from unhealthy old patterns which do not serve ourselves or others very well – you’ve probably heard “When you keep doing the same thing, you keep getting the same results.” Responding from this automatic mindset, we are blocked from the reality of ‘now’ and cannot access our truth and stay open to choices offering new possibilities.
My MindBodySpirit Tapestry© techniques balance energy within and around with dialogue, sound, image, metaphor, emotive release, and sometimes therapeutic touch. Hands-on-Healing can include Reiki, CranioSacral, Acupressure; Breathwork and Hypnotherapy do not involve touch.
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin
All of us have the possibility of changing our perceptions and making new choices to experience life more fully alive; it’s easier with the guidance of an experienced caring professional. I’ve been holistic practitioner for 25 years and attentive to my own journey for much longer. If you are reaching out, stuck or uncertain of your next step, please call for a complementary phone consultation now! Remember, any first step is a good one!
You’re at the entrance, the threshold of your dream.
Now is the time. You are ready.
The door is open
New life is inviting…
Don’t go back to sleep.
Let’s connect – 914-747-9188